i've never been so entirely serious about anything, the way i am about you

HELLO AND WELCOME. v3 of charlie's puke rearranged into boyfriend-themed shapes has crashlanded !!

shrine really is the best word for this. here's an entire website dedicated to childe tartaglia ajax, with the same love and care i put into dedicating every day of my life to him >3

i want you in places the most gifted surgeons would never gamble to dissect

i think we're at the point now where you see a pixel of orange and go 'oh fuck charlie's made another html file'

'you're deserving of all the love in the world, and somehow it all rests within me.
so come on, stay up with me angel, and let me find the words to tell you how much you really mean to me,
and just how much love my heart and body and soul feel for you.'